Berlin- Day 1

Day 1 in Berlin with Visionapartments and all I can say is: I absolutely LOVE it here! What an amazing and lively city with so much to see, so much history, art & character, amazing food, streets as wide as a football fields, people as different as black & white and so much more!


This morning in Zurich I got up at around 7 a.m, went for a run, showered & got ready, packed my suitcase, made some Raspberry-Pomegranate Vanilla Shakes that I initially wanted to take on the flight, until I realised liquids are not allowed to bring on the plane haha..Silly me- I should've known! Anyways, I simply drank them all at the airport while I was waiting for my flight. Some healthy & delicious yumminess to start the day is always good! The flight from Zurüch to Berlin only take a bit over an hour, so it was a pretty short trip. Once I arrived in Berlin I took the bus to town to check into my beautiful Visionapartment which super close to Alexanderplatz.


I made a quick stop on the way though at "Zeit für Brot" to get the best Cinnamon Rolls there are on this planet. They're honestly so incredibly delicious. Like I don't even care if they're healthy or not- they're simply THAT good and make you happy, smile & feel satisfied all day long!:P



With two warm cinnamon rolls and an almond-vanilla cappuccino I arrived at Visionapartments to check in. I have a beautiful and super cozy apartment on the 10th floor with a balcony & an amazing view over the city. After enjoying every single bite of the cinnamon rolls, licking my fingers and wishing I had another one, I got ready to explore the city a bit.






It was raining when I left the apartment, then it stopped and the sun came out a bit until it started raining again. But I don't really mind the rain; as a child I would always go outside when it was raining and just stand in the rain and dance around. I also love to go for a run when it's raining, so much more fun!:)



After walking around the city for like 1 hour, I found an amazing store in the heart of Berlin Mitte where I bought some new plates for my food photography. If I had to choose between shopping 1.plates & dishes or 2.clothes- I would go for 1. Definitely! My heart starts jumping whenever I enter a store with handmade pottery because I immediately start thinking of new recipes, the plating and the picture I'm eventually going to take. Yap, real love haha!:P




Before going back to the apartment I wanted to go to "Hackeschen Höfe". Such a beautiful small courtyard complex consisting of eight interconnected courtyards with unique architecture. A great place to seek and discover craft work, manufactured & handmade products, cute little cafes and much more! On the way I stopped for some food. A friend recommended me to go to "Hummus & Friends" and try their apparently "best hummus in the city" & garlic & date dip. So I did and I was definitely not disappointed! Some of the best hummus I've ever tasted. And that garlic-date dip mhhh.. Don't ask me about my smell now haha but I don't really care because it was the bomb!




Back in my Visionapartment I got cozy, put on my trainer, uploaded all the pictures I've taken so far and did some work. Whenever I start working, writing e-mails & getting into something- I forget the time and time just flies.. 1,2,3 hours just like that! After a quick phone call with my dad making him all jealous about how much there is to discover in Berlin, I checked my Instagram feed to read the recommendations for places & things to see and do here. I googled all the places I got recommended and because it was 9 p.m already, I quickly decided where to head out for dinner. I felt like having sushi so Sushi at "Dudu's" close to Rosenthaler Platz it was. -Little interruption here for you to get how much I like the food here: I'm not the easiest person to please at a restaurant because I stand in the kitchen all day and probably have higher expectations than somebody who never cooks. So when I say something was incredibly delicious I REALLY mean it with every single cell of my body!;) The Sushi I had at "Dudu's" was to die for and to die for again and again and again. Like it was unreal! I didn't take a picture of it but that "inside out crispy crusted avocado & grilled tuna steak sushi roll with a sweet sesame cress & hazelnut cream salad" looked like a pice of art on a plate and tasted like heaven. Plus, I had some edamame on the side that came with a sweet & spicy shallot dip. After dinner I decided to walk back to my apartment to get some fresh air. Back home, I put on my PJ's (first thing I always do when I get home. Nothing more comfy!) wrote this post and before I could finish I feel asleep like a little baby in this super comfy & big bed to dream about all the delicious food & getting all excited for what the next few days here in Berlin will bring! -It's 7 a.m in the morning now of day 2 here in Berlin with Visionapartments. And and before going for a healthy breakfast at Daluma I'm going to the gym just around the corner. Work it work it!;)


Adiosss und auf Wiedersehen from beautiful Berlin; you will hear back from me tomorrow,

xx Nadia

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