Black-/ & Raspberry-Chia-Vanilla-Bananaicecream Breakfast Dream

A combination of flavors that will make your tastebuds dance.


It's no secret anymore, that I'm absolutely crazy about bananaicecream! Lately I've had a big affection to chia pudding as well though. Instead of either having bananaicecram or chia pudding, I simply decided to combine it in one breakfast. The addition of berries is always good and adds some extra fruitiness you wouldn't wanna miss out on.



Even though the texture and taste of bananaicecream, chia pudding & the berries is completely different, they go so well together. The chia pudding is best to prepare the night before because the seeds need to soak for at least two hours to get the consistency of pudding.


Oh and don't forget to always keep some frozen banana slices in your freezer! To make bananaicecream, they're best to freeze overnight. Like that, you can simply take them out of the freezer in the morning, thaw for a couple of minutes and blend to the consistency of icecream in a high speed blender with a dash of milk (and other) within a couple of minutes only.


You can either cook the berries the night before and let them cool in fridge overnight OR can heat them up in the morning and add the slightly heated berries to the bananaicecream and chia pudding. I prefer adding them when they're still a bit warm! It's like hot berries on icecream! And who doesn't like that?! ;) The blackberries do not only provide great taste, but also that beautiful velvety color!


You're completely free in the choice of your toppings and can add pretty much all kinds of berries. I just had some pomegranate at home and it actually goes really well with it! Instead of nuts ( I ALWAYS! sprinkle roasted nuts on top of everything haha :P), I added some mulberries. So yum!! But like I said, add whatever you like best.


I almost forgot; of course I added a dollop of homemade peanut butter on top as well! A must! In the recipe below you have the choice to mix some peanut butter into the bananaicecream or leave it away. Because it's Sunday today and I had time for a big & well deserved breakfast after my morning run, I added some peanut butter into the bananaicecream and another small dollop on top. Your choice. ;)


And don't forget to eat this with the longest spoon you have so that you can dive all the way down and have a bit of everything on the spoon! If every spoon tastes a bit different, it's going to be a real taste experience to eat this!:)
Now let's get to the recipe!



2 tbsp chia seeds

200 ml milk of choice, e.g. soy/almond/rice milk..

some pure vanilla extract

2 tsp sweetener of choice, e.g. honey..


2 bananas, in slices, frozen

2 tsp homemade peanut butter (not a must but a "recommended" ;))

150 ml milk of choice, e.g. soy/almond/rice milk..

1-2 tsp sweetener of choice, e.g. honey..


100 g raspberries, fresh or frozen

150 g blackberries, fresh or frozen

2 tsp sweetener of choice, e.g. honey, coconut blossom sugar etc.

2 tbsp water



1/2 pomegranate (or berries of choice)

crushed & roasted nuts

homemade peanut butter

  1. Add the chia seeds, milk, vanilla extract and sweetener into a bowl and stir until well combined. Soak in the fridge overnight or for at least two hours.
  2. In a saucepan, heat up the berries together with the water & some natural sweetener for a few minutes, take off the heat and mash up a bit with a fork. (don't blend, you wanna have some berry-chunks in there!)
  3. Take the frozen banana slices out of the freezer, thaw for a few minutes and add into a blender/food processor together with the milk and blend until smooth and creamy. Add the peanut butter if desired and sweetener and mix for another minute.
  4. Stir the chia pudding again to avoid chunks and add into a jar alternately with the bananaicecream & berries right to the top. Sprinkle the pomegranate or other berries of choice, mulberries and whatever you like on top and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Happy Sunday and have a great start to the week tomorrow!

x Nadia

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