Healthy Chocolate Banana Snack Cake

Healthy Chocolate Banana Snack Cake - Quick and easy chocolate banana snack cake that you can feel good about putting in the kid's lunch boxes! Super healthy and they won't even know it!

I have never made a snack cake before.  I know they're a thing.  I see recipes for them all the time.  I guess when I think "snack", "cake" isn't usually the next thing that jumps to mind.

That needs to change.  I need to think of "cake" and "snack" as belonging together because it is a wonderful thing.  Especially when it's as tasty and as healthy as this chocolate banana snack cake is.  My kids had no idea that this was healthy.  They were just flabbergasted that they were being given chocolate cake for a snack instead of a piece of fruit.

I happily ate some myself, because who's going to say no to chocolate cake?  Especially when it doesn't negate the run I just went for?  You can't say no to that.  Plus – chocolate.  Chocolate and healthy.  All in the same wonderful snack cake.  That, my friends, is a beautiful thing.

Healthy Chocolate Banana Snack Cake - Quick and easy chocolate banana snack cake that you can feel good about putting in the kid's lunch boxes! Super healthy and they won't even know it!

Which is why snack cakes need to become something I make more often.

Especially when they are as healthy as this one.  No butter or oil, just some plain Greek yogurt plus the bananas for moisture.  No refined sugar, and only three tablespoons of honey to sweeten the entire cake.  Plus, it's made with whole wheat flour.  I suppose there's the sugar in the chocolate chips, but I think you could probably even omit the chocolate chips (or reduce them) if you want it to be completely free of refined sugar.  (Of course, those melty chocolate chips in a warm piece of chocolate cake are maybe the best part, but that's just my opinion!)  And it can be in the oven in less than 15 minutes and stays moist for days.

Fast, easy, tasty and healthy.  That's something that needs to be made more often.  Because like I said, healthy chocolate banana snack cake is a wonderful thing.

Healthy Chocolate Banana Snack Cake - Quick and easy chocolate banana snack cake that you can feel good about putting in the kid's lunch boxes! Super healthy and they won't even know it!

I also shared this healthy chocolate banana snack cake recipe over on Food Fanatic.  

Healthy Chocolate Banana Snack Cake - Quick and easy chocolate banana snack cake that you can feel good about putting in the kid's lunch boxes! Super healthy and they won't even know it!
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Source: Bake. Eat. Repeat.