Hi Friends!
Happy Memorial Day!
Well, tomorrow was supposed to be a SUPER happy day, the day my first eBook is published. It was #2 in Sweets and Baking!
…And then Amazon cancelled all your pre-orders the other day.
I'M SO SORRY THIS HAPPENED. I'm trying to figure out WHY it happened, and hopefully the book will be available again soon. (I think it has something to do with uploading it to the Amazon platform – which I did – but they said I didn't.)
IF YOU PRE-ORDERED MY EBOOK CLICK HERE. That will take you to a sign-up form and I will be able to send you an email once we're back up and running.
If you can't wait for Amazon to work itself out, the book is now available via PDF!
Click here to order the PDF version of the Crazy for Dessert Recipes ebook.
I'm so sorry (and disappointed and upset) that this happened. I've never released an ebook before so obviously I could have used an expert to help me out! Fingers crossed this is fixed soon.
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