Pho Ramen (Over a Campfire…Or Your Stove!)


When it comes to camping and cooking, we have a long and storied legacy–braised lamb shoulder, rice and beans, rotisserie chicken, fried fillets of large mouth bass, smoked turkey legs, apple cobbler–these are ALL things that we have cooked at one point or another, OVER A CAMPFIRE.

Over the top? Perhaps.

An epic good time? Obviously.

But the true origins of our camping cooking prowess are a bit more humble. When we were kids, we would pack up our camping gear, drive from the suburbs of New Jersey to upstate New York, hike into the park (usually somewhere like Bear Mountain), and camp for the night. The menu for dinner? Piping hot instant ramen cooked on my dad's Whisperlite stove.


My dad–the original camper of the family–would take out his kit of seasoning vials and sprinkle a few healthy pinches of curry powder and a few shreds of our trail-snack-leftover beef jerky into the noodles for an epic savory camping ramen recipe that really hit the spot when we were often parked on a log or rock and the air was cool and damp.

TWOL camping

These trips were so enjoyable, in fact, that when we didn't have the time for a full camping weekend, we would go for hiking day trips, climbing deep into the trails, until we found a spot with perfectly scenic views, crisp air, and perhaps a few pieces of dried, downed wood around…We'd admire nature, have a few restorative and refreshing sips of water, reflect on our place in the world…


I kid you not, we once DAYTRIP hiked with two raw, marinated birds in my dad's backpack on ice packs, and Macgyvered a rotisserie spit over an open fire. You can barely see my mom behind all the delicious-smelling smoke coming off those babies. 

TWOL Camp Cooking

And we sat and ate those chickens (along with our cousin, who came along for the adventure), while bewildered slim campers powered by us in their North Faces and hiking boots with their tiny day packs filled with PowerBars and water bottles. Sometimes laughing, sometimes just plain old confused, but always staring at this strange Chinese family that seemed way too committed to an out of the box culinary experience.

And our side dish with the chicken? Camping ramen, of course. 

TWOL Camping

So, when my sister and I decided to take a California road trip this spring, with pit stops for camping, we of course packed up our mess kit and my dad's old set of seasoning vials, and purchased a few packs of ramen on the road. Except, instead of our traditional curry ramen (Someone *COUGH* SARAH *COUGH* forgot the curry powder…), we created something entirely new and extremely delicious over the fires at Potwisha Campground in Sequoia National Park (the next stop on our California road trip after Joshua Tree. Sarah will be posting that next week, so stay tuned!)

Sequoia National Park, by

It's camping ramen, THE PHO EDITION! It's your standard instant beef-flavored ramen, a healthy amount of beef jerky, red onion–caramelized and stewed in the soup and served raw over the top, some greens if you've got them, and a generous squeeze of lime juice to finish it off.

Pho Ramen, by

It was delicious and perfect after a long day of driving.

California Highway, by

And setting up camp––under a rainbow!

Setting Up Camp, by

TWOL camping

Add this to your camp cooking repertoire for this summer, or just make it at home when you're feeling lazy. Either way, you will enjoy it. Trust us.  

You'll need:

  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • ½ a red onion, thinly sliced and divided into two portions––one large and one small
  • 1/4 cup sliced beef jerky
  • Enough water to cook the noodles per package instructions
  • 1 packet of beef-flavored ramen
  • 1 handful of any kind of leafy green vegetables
  • Juice of half a lime (feel free to add more or less to taste)

Pho Ramen, by

Put your pot over the flame (we used our trusty stainless steel camping cookset), and add the oil.

Using your handy dandy pocket knife (or regular knife if you're not in the wilderness), prep your onions and beef jerky.

Pho Ramen, by

Pho Ramen, by

When the oil in the pot is hot (you can add a test piece of onion to check it out), add the large portion of your sliced onions. Stir for a minute, letting them caramelize. In the meantime, prep your beef jerky, and add that to the pot. Let cook for 2-4 minutes, depending on how hot your campfire is.

Pho Ramen, by

Pho Ramen, by

Add enough water to the pot to meet your soup preferences, and bring to a boil.

Pho Ramen, by

Add in the seasoning packet, the ramen noodles and vegetables (we used the leftover Tuscan kale from Joshua Tree!) and cook per package instructions.

Pho Ramen, by

When the noodles are cooked through…

"Pho" Ramen, by

Sprinkle the raw onion over the top, squeeze in the lime juice…

Pho Ramen, by

And serve!

Pho Ramen, by

Pho Ramen, by

The textbook definition of a "happy camper," right here:

TWOL camping ramen

If you want to go bigger and make a real bowl of pho, check out Sarah's pho recipe here!

"Pho" Ramen (Over a Campfire…Or Your Stove!)


1 tablespoon oil

½ a red onion, thinly sliced and divided into two portions––one large and one small

1/4 cup sliced beef jerky

Enough water to cook the noodles per package instructions

1 packet of beef-flavored ramen

1 handful of any kind of leafy green vegetables

Juice of half a lime (feel free to add more or less to taste)

Put your pot over the flame, and add the oil.

When the oil in the pot is hot (you can add a test piece of onion to check it out), add the large portion of your sliced onions. Stir for a minute, letting them caramelize. Add the beef jerky and cook for 2-4 minutes.

Add enough water to the pot to meet your soup preferences, and bring to a boil. Add in the ramen seasoning packet, ramen noodles, and vegetables and cook per package instructions. When the noodles are cooked through, sprinkle the raw onion over the top, squeeze in the lime juice, and serve!


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Source: The Woks of Life