Creamy Coffe-Hazelnut-Millet Porridge w/ homemade Rawtella, Blueberries & Pana Chocolate

A deliciously creamy, healthy & filling breakfast you can and will never ever get sick of!

(Recipe in German & English)


This breakfast was probably one of my favs ever! If you're a coffee lover just like me, you have to try it! I personally like to make my porridge with millet. It's a bit like cooking a good risotto. You add a splash of water, stir, add some milk, stir, add some water,  some milk, stir… Millet is one of my favorite grains. The longer you cook it, the creamier it gets. Plus- it's completely gluten free and 100% delicious with it's slight nutty taste. That's also why the hazelnut milk goes so well with it! I got the Hazelnut milk from Provamel. If you live in Switzerland or Germany you will find hazelnut milk at the health food stores. Provamel products are available in many European countries. Some of my favorite nut milks are cashew milk, rice-almond milk, rice-coconut chocolate, spelt and of course- the hazelnut milk.


Once the millet porridge reached the creamy consistency, I added some chopped 2 pieces of an EIGTHY Pana Chocolate Bar. Because the porridge was still hot- the chocolate slightly melted. Absolutely delicious! Pana Chocolate is not only refined sugar-free, it's also raw, organic, handmade, vegan and dairy, soy & gluten free. And Pana Chocolate has the most delicious flavors! My personal favorite is the EIGHTY bar because I'm crazy about dark chocolate. If you can't find Pana Chocolate in your country, you might as well use dark chocolate, preferably sweetened with either coconut blossom sugar, agave or stevia.


I never really liked milk chocolate.. Not even as a kid. But dark chocolate with lots of nuts! Caramelised nuts!! Kills me haha! Can't stop, won't stop! Good thing it's Easter tomorrow so I get to eat as much as I want and feel great about it!:P Okay enough said, let's get to the recipe! Oh and don't forget to tag me or let me know how it tasted if you try it!

Here we go, the recipe for you in German and Englisch.!:)
Für alle die nach dem Rezept gefragt haben, hier auch das deutsche Rezept!


200 ml water
1 Espresso shot
1 dash of salt
4 tbsp millet
200 ml hazelnut milk (or almond milk)
2-3 tsp coconut blossom sugar or pure maple syrup

100 ml hazelnut milk (or almond milk)
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp  coconut blossom sugar or pure maple syrup

1 handful blueberries, fresh
some cacao nibs
1-2 pieces EIGHTY Pana Chocolate or 1-2 dark chocolate chips min.75 % (sweetened with agave, coconut blossom sugar or stevia)
some roasted & crushed hazelnuts
1-2 tsp rawtella (recipe in my "Eat Better Not Less" ebook) otherwise choose some nutbutter of choice like peanut or almond butter

  1. In a saucepan bring the water together with the espresso shot and salt to a boil, add the millet, turn down the heat to medium and cook for 5-7 minutes. Add the milk from time to time, stir, add the remaining ingredients up to and including the natural sweetener, turn down the heat a bit more and cook for another 10 minutes. Stir from time to time. Depending on the consistency, add another splash of milk to make it even creamier.
  2. Add the porridge into a bowl, add the chopped chocolate or chocolate chips and give it one single stir so that the chocolate slightly melt into the warm porridge. Top with blurberries, cacao nibs, nutbutter and roasted & crushed hazelnuts.
  3. Mix up the hazelnut milk, cinnamon and coconut blossom sugar or pure maple syrup and if required (highly recommended!) drizzle on top of the warm porridge. An now- enjoy spoon by spoon!:)


Cremiges Kaffe-Haselnuss Hirse Porridge mit Blaubeeren, Rawtella & dunkler Schokolade


200 ml Wasser
1 Espresso
1 Prise Salz
4 EL Hirsekörner
2 dl Haselnussmilch (oder Mandelmilch)
2-3 TL Kokosblütenzucker oder Ahornsirup

1 dl Haselnussmilch (oder Mandelmilch)
1 TL Zimt
2 TL Kokosblütenzucker oder Ahornsirup

eine Handvoll frische Blaubeeren
1-2 Stücke dunkle Schokolade oder 1-2 TL  Schoko-Chips mind. 75% (gesüsst mit Agave, Kokosblütenzucker oder Stevia)
geröstete & zerhackte Haselnüsse
1-2 TL Rawtella (Rezept in meinem Kochbuch "Eat Better Not Less")-> ansonsten Nussmus nach Wahl nehmen wie z.B Erdnussmus oder Mandelmus

    1. In einer Pfanne Wasser mit Salz und em Espresso aufkochen, Hirsekörner zugeben und bei mittlerer Hitze 5-7 Minuten köcheln lassen. Die Milch und restliche Zutaten unterrühren, Hitze nochmals reduzieren, weitere 10 Minuten köcheln lassen und immer wieder rühren. Je nach Konsistenz noch etwas Milch unter den Porridge rühren.
    2. Porridge in einer Schale anrichten, die Schoko-Chips mit einem Schwung unter rühren sodass sie im warmen Porridge leicht schmelzen, mit Blaubeeren, Kakaonibs, Nussbutter nach Wahl und gerösteten Haselnüssen garnieren.
    3. Haselnussmilch, Zimt und Kokosblütenzucker mixen und je nach Bedarf (jedoch sehr zu empfehlen!) etwas übers warme Porridge träufeln und jetzt Löffel für Löffel geniessen!:)


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