Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt


We all know the age-old conundrum. You make a batch of Rice Krispie Treats, you have a few, and you're happy–the rice krispie treats have that perfectly gooey, fresh consistency, things are sunny, and, overall, you're walking on the right side of life.


The afternoon rolls around. The rice krispie treats have been sitting on the counter for a few hours now.

Since your gooey, marshmallow-y enlightenment, they've hardened into little bricks or they're hopelessly stuck together. Or worse–both. Biting into one feels like you're biting into a bumpy rock, chafing the roof of your mouth.

When Sarah and I were kids, this was always a sad inevitability. Even if they were stored in an airtight container, they always dried out somehow. As helpless 6 and 8-year-olds, we didn't have much control over the rice krispie treat-making process. Our dad was in charge, and, ultimate misfortune of all misfortunes: his rice krispie to marshmallow ratio was always way too high. He'd heap 8 or 9 cups of rice krispies into a batch with only 1 bag of marshmallows. Craziness!

It's no wonder that Sarah and I would dive on packaged Rice Krispie Treats and practically tear them open with our teeth when we went to friends' houses. Okay, so maybe that's an exaggeration…or, maybe, it's really not…….

So, in an attempt to hack the Rice Krispie treat, and amend a childhood's worth of overly hard and crunchy rice krispie treats, today we're posting these Chocolate-covered Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt. 

Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt, by

  • Why chocolate-covered? The chocolate acts as armor–a barrier between the sensitive chemistry of the rice krispie treat and the drying air!  
  • Why nuggets? Perfectly bite-sized, these little treats veer into something a little more delightfully candy-like with the smaller size and the addition of chocolate.
  • Why sea salt? Why not?!!!

You'll need:

  • 6 tablespoons butter
  • 1½ bags marshmallows (regular-sized or minis)
  • 8-12 ounces bittersweet or dark chocolate, melted
  • 5 cups Rice Krispies cereal
  • Flossy salt or coarsely ground sea salt

Heat a large, deep skillet over medium heat, and add the butter. When half of the butter is melted, add the marshmallows. Stir the marshmallows until they're entirely melted. Be patient with this process–if the marshmallow starts to get toasted, lower the heat–everything should stay completely white with no browning or toasting.

Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt, by

Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt, by

Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt, by

While this is happening, you can set up a double-boiler with the chocolate. Stir until melted. When the marshmallow mixture is smooth, add the cereal. Stir quickly and thoroughly to combine. Turn out onto a piece of wax paper or parchment paper. With wet hands, shape the rice krispie treats into a rectangle, about ¾-1" thick.

Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt, by

With a wet knife, cut the rice krispie treats into small rectangles or squares–about 2×2" is good nugget size!

Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt, by

Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt, by

Lay out the nuggets on a cooling rack.

Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt, by

Take your melted chocolate and, using a fork, lower each nugget into the chocolate. Turn to coat, and then pick up with the fork, tapping the fork against the side of the bowl to get rid of excess chocolate. Transfer back to the baking rack, and sprinkle with sea salt.

Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt, by

Repeat with all the rice krispie treats, or if you're like us, cover half with chocolate and then just munch on the rest the plain old classic way! Let the nuggets cool, and you've got deliciously chocolate-y nuggets that are protected from drying out!

Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt, by

Chocolate Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt, by

Chocolate-Covered Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt

Chocolate-Covered Rice Krispie Nuggets with Sea Salt


6 tablespoons butter

1½ bags marshmallows (regular-sized or minis)

8-12 ounces bittersweet or dark chocolate, melted

5 cups Rice Krispies cereal

Flossy salt or coarsely ground sea salt

Heat a large, deep skillet over medium heat, and add the butter. When half of the butter is melted, add the marshmallows. Stir the marshmallows until they're entirely melted. Be patient with this process--if the marshmallow starts to get toasted, lower the heat--everything should stay completely white with no browning or toasting.

While this is happening, you can set up a double-boiler with the chocolate. Stir until melted. When the marshmallow mixture is smooth, add the cereal. Stir quickly and thoroughly to combine. Turn out onto a piece of wax paper or parchment paper. With wet hands, shape the rice krispie treats into a rectangle, about ¾-1" thick.

With a wet knife, cut the rice krispie treats into small rectangles or squares--about 2x2" is good nugget size!

Lay out the nuggets on a cooling rack. Take your melted chocolate and, using a fork, lower each nugget into the chocolate. Turn to coat, and then pick up with the fork, tapping the fork against the side of the bowl to get rid of excess chocolate. Transfer back to the baking rack, and sprinkle with sea salt.


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Source: The Woks of Life