The best Acai-Bowl Ever!

Acai-Bowl topped with all the Goodies to make your heart jump! And melt!


I've been pretty obsessed with Acai Bowls lately! They're just so incredibly delicious, give you so much energy and simply put a smile on your face because you can make them look super pretty, colourful & summery! Since we can get frozen Acai Puree here in Switzerland (from I can't help it to make an Acai Bowl almost every day! It's such a huge difference to use the frozen puree instead of the powder. So if you have the chance to get the frozen puree- do it now, you won't regret it a single bit after having tried this recipe!


The addition of frozen bananas, mango & papaya make it so much creamier & super smooth. Plus, adding vanilla, maca & a tiny bit of cinnamon gives it the right spice & kick!



This recipe is made in literally no time!! Perfect for summer, for a nice & refreshing afternoon or post-workout snack, or simply for breakfast! Ahhh I honestly can't wait for you to try it! And that's why I stop writing now so let's get to the recipe immediately! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and let me know what you think of it!


Oh and don't forget all the toppings! If you don't have time to make the Amaranth-Almond Crunch- simply add something crispy like roasted Nuts or a healthy crispy granola on top! It's honestly da bessssst! ;)


6 tbsp amaranth and/or quinoa puffs

2 tbsp crushed almonds

1.5 tbsp pure maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp maca powder (not Matcha- MACA!!)


2-3 frozen acai puree sachets (if you serve it for 2- use 3/ if you serve it for 1- use 2)

1/2 ripe papaya (medium sized)

1/2 very ripe mango

1 frozen banana

150 ml almond milk

2 tsp maca powder

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 tbsp coconut blossom sugar (my favroite!!)

(or use other natural sweetener like pure maple syrup instead)




Amaranth-Almon Crunch or crunhy granola of choice

(these toppings are a must, the following ones make it even better though ;))

Coconut Slivers


1-2 tsp almond butter per bowl

  1. Take the forzen acai sachets & bananas out of the freezer and thaw for a few minutes.
  2. Fot the crunch, add amaranth puffs up to and including the maca powder into a large frying pan, stir until well combined and turn up the heat to medium. Stir from time to time and toast until golden brown for about 6-8 minutes. Take off the heat, add into a bowl to let cool. (once it's cooled down it will be crunchy. For even better results, roast almonds before in the oven at 160 C for 10-15 min)
  3. Now press the acai purre out of the sachets into a blender. Also add the papaya, mango, frozen banana and everything up to and including the coconut blossom sugar. Blend well until smooth & creamy.
  4. Add into bowls and top with Amaranth-Almond crunch & other toppings of choice & make it fruity, crunchy & colourful!
  5. Enjoyyyyy and eat slowly- you don't want finish this bowl too quickly.
  6. Oh and now- make another one!:P

Haave a good one everyone!

x N

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